Walking with Christ
   Working with Christ
      Worshipping Christ



Walking with Christ
   Working with Christ
      Worshipping Christ



Raising up leaders.
Equipping the saints.

There are many who have been called into ministry who have not been fully equipped, or who lack adequate support systems. WWC Ministries comes alongside those doing the great commission through connecting, teaching, training, prayer, and personal ministry. We work both nationally and internationally as reinforcements for the “boots on the ground”.

Called to Serve

Our vision is to help leaders in the Body of Christ to be healed and whole, and able to fulfill the mission the Lord has assigned to each of them. 

We develop teachings, books and courses on deliverance, spiritual warfare, and leadership. We provide confidential personal ministry to leaders who are hurting and broken. WWC Ministries works to connect apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists who are like-minded to network together to accomplish the Great Commission. We believe that we all have an area of specialization according to 1 Cor. 12:12-31. 

Called to Serve

Our vision is to help leaders in the Body of Christ to be healed and whole, and able to fulfill the mission the Lord has assigned to each of them. 

We develop teachings, books and courses on deliverance, spiritual warfare, and leadership. We provide confidential personal ministry to leaders who are hurting and broken. WWC Ministries works to connect apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists who are like-minded to network together to accomplish the Great Commission. We believe that we all have an area of specialization according to 1 Cor. 12:12-31. 

Ministry Branches

Deliverance. Empowerment. Connection.

Kingdom Warriors

Training and deliverance ministry


Connecting Christian businesses and qualified prospects

Forgotten Ones

MIssions to Haiti and others
around the world

Pastor & Leader Training

Training & equipping for
pastors and church leaders

Men Victorious

Raising up men of God

Warrior Women

Equipping women of God

WWC Youth

Training up the next generation

WWC Benevolence

Serving those in need


WWC Ministries Forgotten Ones

In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Through our global missions, this is exactly who WWC Ministries endeavors to serve:
the least of these… the Forgotten Ones.

Click below to learn more and support our missions in Haiti, Mexico, and beyond.

WWC Books & Resources

Restoring Dominion

God’s first command to man was to take dominion. But what does that mean? In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah the Lord laid out a pattern for restoration. He knew we needed to know what to do in the face of the darkness that is covering the earth. Restoring Dominion takes you on the journey to restoration of the Church that the Lord Jesus designed to show His glory to the earth, just before He returns. Are you ready to begin the journey? Fasten your seatbelt and let’s go!

Kingdom Warriors
Basic Training Manual

Rick and Barb Haynes love to see people set free in Christ. Rick, an ordained minister, has been serving in ministry in the areas of leadership coaching and deliverance for over thirty years. Barb has been a registered nurse for nearly 30 years and has been a medical missionary for over 20 years. They have both been actively serving in ministry in the areas of deliverance, healing, and the prophetic for over ten years. 

Kingdom Warriors
Basic Training Manual

Rick and Barb Haynes love to see people set free in Christ. Rick, an ordained minister, has been serving in ministry in the areas of leadership coaching and deliverance for over thirty years. Barb has been a registered nurse for nearly 30 years and has been a medical missionary for over 20 years. They have both been actively serving in ministry in the areas of deliverance, healing, and the prophetic for over ten years. 

Accepting the mission.

WWC Ministries has a multifaceted mission. We believe that the Lord has commissioned us to:

  • Bring the lost to the salvation of Jesus Christ (Mk. 16:17-18).
  • Bring restoration to those Christians that need to be healed and rescued (Rev. 2:4).
  • Teach the principles of knowing Jesus Christ and growing in Him (Mt. 28:19-20)
  • Teach, train and equip the saints so they can go out into the Great Harvest (1 Tim. 2:2).
  • Prepare the army of YHWH God for warfare in the spiritual realm, fight the good fight of faith, conquering Satan and his minions, to free the souls of people from his snare (1 Jn. 3:8; Acts 10:38; 1 Pet. 5:8).
  • Build YHWH God’s Kingdom Army, within each local church.


I have known Barb and Rick for several years now, Barb a little longer than Rick as we became friends through nursing. I have worked with them in their ministry helping with their classes on soul wounding and deliverance and on mission trips so I've had opportunity to see them in various situations and setting. I can say I trust them in their integrity in all situations. Their walk is as pure as they can make it. They constantly seek God's guidance, keep the Word as their guide, attempt at all times to walk in love. They are well rounded in the word, walk in the word and operate powerfully in deliverance. I can confidently recommend their ministry.

Ruth B.

WWC Ministries brought me life changing freedom. Even after walking with the Lord for many years, experiencing this ministry's course has brought true healing and enabled me to experience freedom like never before!

Dan D.

I cannot express enough gratitude for WWC Ministries. I have attended Basic Training twice, and both times were incredibly transformative and educational. I experienced breakthrough in several areas, and my walk with the Lord has been strengthened considerably.

Megan D.